Blending Graduate Admissions With Career Management

Preparing Students to Lead

Graduate business schools typically treat admissions and career management as separate, siloed units. That was the case at SMU Cox until Jason Rife (Senior Assistant Dean of the SMU Cox Career Management Center and Graduate Admissions) blended the two in 2021. This collaboration of graduate school admissions and career management is key to preparing graduate business students for successful careers upon graduation.

“The ultimate goal is having a holistic experience for our students,” Rife says. “The vast majority of students who return to school for graduate business education do so for career purposes. They want to

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The Case for Making Terrible Career Choices

Sometimes terrible career decisions are worth making — and we all, at some point, are going to make them. When you take on a job or project that you quickly realize is a mistake, it’s easy to lose hope. It can ebb away at your confidence and sense of purpose. But if you focus on the long view, working through what you don’t want can bring you that much closer to what you do. If you’re in a job that feels like a drag, here’s how to use the experience to your advantage.

  • Focus on your relationships. It is
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Managing your career > United States Coast Guard > My Coast Guard News

Did you know that OPM has resources and career counselors to help you manage your career? Do you have a good idea of ​​what to do next? If not, hopefully this article will introduce a few new considerations and provide helpful tips on submitting eResumes, reviewing your record and taking advantage of career counseling services.

Virtual road shows and Podcasts

Many of you may have tuned into the OPM virtual road shows that kicked off in November 2020 in the Officer Personnel Management Virtual Road Show ALCGOFF 181/20, and learned how to better manage your career. We discussed

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